Magazine published by the CN D Centre national de la danse
With the support of Dance Reflections by Van Cleef and Arpels
Director Catherine Tsekenis
Managing director Domitille Desforges
Editorial director Léa Poiré
Editorial consultant Laura Cappelle and Gilles Jacinto
Coordinator Lise Kiner Wolff assisted by Sarah Reglat and Justine Ballay
Executive production La Belle Orange
Writers & creatives – issue #5
Christophe Berlet / Hélène Caillet / Isabelle Calabre / Laura Cappelle / Florent Cheymol / Claudine Colozzi / Binkady-Emmanuel Hié / Alexandre Humbert / Aïnhoa Jean-Calmettes / Copélia Mainardi / Belinda Mathieu / Nina Payrat / Valentine Perrin Morali / Léa Poiré / Christine Quoiraud / Carol Teitelbaum
Identity Casier/Fieuws
Website Tentwelve
Translation Adeline Chevrier-Bosseau
Editing in english Laura Cappelle & Katie Kheriji-Watts
Proofreading Katie Kheriji-Watts, Alexandra Tindall & Marianne Lagueunière